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Played in air-conditioned courts from early morning to late at night, Squash is a very popular sport played at the Club.

HKCC currently has Men, Ladies, Masters and Junior Teams playing in the Winter League. Club tournaments include Cup and Plate competitions, a very convivial Summer League and annual battles against the Hong Kong Football Club, LRC & other clubs around Hong Kong and abroad.

To develop and attract juniors is a  focus of the Squash Section. Junior Programmes are run daily by our Professional Coach Phil Head. Club Tournaments for Juniors are also organized every season.

We hold a weekly social hit on a Saturday from 1200pm.  Drop by to meet some members if you are interested in joining. 

Please contact either the Mens Captain, Ladies Captain or our Squash Convenor - Russell Lamb at

Committee Roles and Responsibilties

Convenor - Russell Lamb, will be responsible for ensuring the committee people fulfill their roles as agreed, liases with the general committee of the HKCC and has overall management of how the section should be run.

Men's Captain - Ho Fai Chiu, will be responsible for proposing any new male members to the section, put together mens teams for the HK Squash League, organise/instigate socials for the mens section against other clubs, propose tours to other countries for the men, promote mens squash within the section and monitor sporting members commitments.

Men's Vice Captain - Yeshan Ekanayake, will be responsible to supporting the men's captain in his role

Ladies' Captain - Suki Chan, will be responsible for proposing any new female members to the section, put together ladies teams for the HK Squash League, organise/instigate socials for the ladies section against other clubs, propose tours to other countries for the ladies, promote ladies squash within the section and monitor sporting members commitments.

Ladies' Vice Captain - Alvina Kwok, will be responsible to supporting the ladies' captain in her role

Communications - Gareth Janes/Chris Skinn, will be responsible for sending out all communications between the section and the members.  This person will also be in charge of managing the email account and ensuring the distribution lists are kept up to date at all times.

Socials - Nick Stearn, will be responsible for organising all section social events including but not limited to the yearly ball/function and any other functions and fundraisers throughout the year.

Juniors - Rajeev Chib, will be responsible for organising the junior coaching sessions on a Saturday morning and liaising with the Convenyor and Coach if additional resources are needed for this coaching.  This person will also liaise with the Mens and Ladies captains in promoting junior players into both the main league and ladies league when they are ready.

Juniors Vice Captain - Paul Denham, will assist Rajeev in promoting the junior section. 

Coaching - Phil Head, will be a key driver of the junior section and on hand for all members for coaching and advice. 

Recruitment - TBC, will be actively supporting our Men & Ladies Captains on player recruitment.

Performance Monitor - TBC, will be responsible for collating availability and attendance data for all teams and tracking sporting member's obligations throughout the year.

Squash committee 2023-2024.jpg

No events scheduled at the moment

Social Squash (no booking, available to all)

All year Saturday 12am - 5pm & Sunday 9am - 12am

Social Saturday Squash is for everyone to enjoy and is open to all levels of players.  The head coach Phil Head will be in the squash courts most Saturdays from around 430pm and is happy to hit with members if they approach him for a game. 

You don't need to book in for this you just turn up on the day and ask someone else to play and they will play you best of 2 games.  If the squash section is extremely busy then you will be asked to place your name on the whiteboard and players will be paired with the next name on the board to play.

Social squash is on all Saturday's except for public holidays and specific events !  

Squash Ball Machine

A squash ball machine is available to all for free.

The only requirement is you just need to get a 5' training from Phil Head to get your name on the authorized borrower list.

The Squash Machine is a perfect add-on to improve your skills, all cardio and technical skills.

Click on picture:

Squash Ball Machine slide.jpg

Committee Members

Convenor - Russell Lamb Men's captain - Ho Fai Chiu Ladies’ captain - Suki Chan
Communications - Gareth Janes/Chris Skinn Events and Socials - Nick Stearn Recruitment - TBC
Tours and inter-club -  TBC Coaching - Phil Head Treasurer - Rajeev Chib
Mens vice captain - Yeshan Ekanayake   Performance monitor - TBC
Juniors Vice Captain - Paul Denham